NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

"NASA" stands for "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration". It is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. 

It was established in 1958 and the main motive behind it was to expand human knowledge through new scientific discoveries and extend human presence deeper into space and to the Moon for sustainable long-term exploration and utilization.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

Here are 21 Fascinating and Interesting facts about NASA that will blow your mind. 

President John F. Kennedy gave NASA the goal of sending a man to the moon by the end of the 1960s. On July 20, 1969, the first men walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

Twelve men have walked on the moon, all during the Apollo missions.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

Three men from Yemen sued NASA for trespassing on Mars. They claimed that they inherited the planet from their ancestors 3,000 years ago.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building is so huge it needs about 10,000 tons of Air Conditioning equipment to prevent rain clouds from forming inside on humid days.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

On 26 November, 2011, NASA launched a mission to Mars and it landed on Mars on 6 August, 2012 to determine that Mars was ever to support microbial life.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA is working on a lunar exploration program completed till 2024, which is to land American astronauts, including the first woman and the next man on the Moon.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA claimed that there was a 1 in 100,000 chance of a catastrophic failure aboard Challenger Spacecraft.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

Thad Roberts, a NASA intern, spent 7 years in federal prison after having sex with his girlfriend on a bed full of stolen moon rocks.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA will pay you $15,000 to lay in bed 24 hours a day for 90 days to measure the effects of zero gravity on your body.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

Mira is a massive dying star that is zipping through our universe shedding its matter, each bit of which may one day grow into a whole new individual star of its own.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

In 2006, NASA admitted that the original videotapes of the moon landing get erased.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

In 1970, the Apollo 13 lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank exploded.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

The headquarter of NASA is in Washington, D.C. It has nine centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and seven test and research facilities located in several states around the country.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA has a program for dealing with life on other planets that work under the Office of Planetary Protection.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

An astronomical body is also discovered by NASA which is about 40 light-years away from the earth and might contain some exotic materials like hot ice and superfluid water.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

A spaceship was designed by NASA which is capable of using a nuclear explosion to deflect an oncoming asteroid.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

NASA shows the Hollywood movie “Armageddon” as part of its training program and then asks its new staff to identify as many scientific inaccuracies as they can. There are at least 168 of them.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

It is a myth that NASA spent millions of dollars producing the space pen while soviet astronauts simply used a pencil.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

In 1991, NASA discovered an artificial body near the earth as a possible alien probe that was observed in the locality of our planet.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

There is a large area over Brazil where the Earth’s magnetic field has weakened. It is so large that NASA powers down its satellites when passing over it.

NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

The Apollo Astronauts were unable to qualify for life insurance and were not insured by NASA.

 NASA Facts- 21 Fascinating and Amazing facts about NASA that will blow your mind || 2020

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